Let Mathlink Bring it Together! 👍🏻

Does math have you ….

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Let MATHLINK bring it together!

Mathlink Academy

  • Direct Video Tutorials

  • Material for Learning

  • Future Curriculum Development

  • Resource Tools for Learning

Connecting the dots


Our course material ensure quality instructional videos and SUPPLEMENTARY materials for students to have access for various math subjects.

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Mathlink Courses

Educating and Assisting both Students and Parents

The PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a standardized test administered by the College Board. It prepares you for the SAT and serves as your entrance exam.

Mathlink imports Desmos Scientific Calculator for students to compute basic math to trigonometry problems.

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Materials for Learning

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“With the support from Mathlink Academy, we have been able to serve our students better than ever.”

— Valarie Cunningham,
CEO Synergy Health Center



Feel free to contact us with suggestions as we are continuing to improve our site under the following:

  1. Additional math topics

  2. Mathematical resources

  3. Teaching methods
