Whole Numbers and Fractions

Videos that will focus on the foundation of
mathematical operations.

  • INTRODUCING: Whole Numbers & Fractions


    • Order of Operations

  • ADDITIONAL TOPICS: Place Value, Rounding, Mix Numbers,

Unit 1: Video 1
(Whole Numbers)

  • Place Value

  • Rounding

Unit 1: Video 2
(Whole Numbers)

  • Addition

  • Subtract

Unit 1: Video 3
(Whole Numbers)

  • Multiplication

  • Division

Unit 1: Video 4
(Whole Numbers)

  • Order of Operations

Unit 2: Video 5 (Fractions)

  • Proper & Improper

  • Reducing (Lowest Term)

  • Mix Number

Unit 2: Video 6

  • Addition

  • Subtraction

Unit 2: Video 7

  • Multiplication

  • Division

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